Once I started taking Inofolic Alpha, my period started within 2 weeks and then I had 2 periods in the following 2 months and was very impressed but then they stopped again. A few weeks later I woke feeling nauseous and I took a pregnancy test.. I had fallen pregnant naturally, for the first time in 8 years!
I started on Inofolic Alpha as my partner and I are TTC and I had no periods. After nearly 4 months, I started getting my cycles again around 30-35 days apart.
As I had PCOS, I was advised to take Inofolic Alpha. I was also trying to conceive and wanted to give my body the best chance to do so. Within a month I'd had a period and then regular periods every month after that. Within six months I conceived naturally and gave birth to a healthy baby girl in 2021. I continued taking Inofolic Alpha throughout my pregnancy and had no issues whatsoever.
After three months of using Inofolic Alpha, I was ovulating, able to lose weight more easily, had more regular periods and was able to prepare my body for IVF. I went on to have my first cycle of IVF and fell pregnant.
I started on Inofolic Alpha as my partner and I are TTC and I had no periods. After nearly 4 months I started getting my cycles again around 30-35 days apart.
We had been TTC for 18 months and had tried Clomid from our gyne consultant which no luck. I feel the Inofolic Alpha contributed to us being able to conceive and also helped regulate my cycles.
I’ve always had very irregular periods due to PCOS. I took Inofolic Alpha for months ahead of our first IVF cycle and during the IVF process. My husband also took Impryl to ensure sperm quality and count. These have resulted in the most perfect little boy.