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How to Improve Egg Quality with PCOS

How to Improve Egg Quality with PCOS

Improving Egg Quality with PCOS

80% of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have irregular or absent periods.
Only about 20% of women with PCOS ovulate.
PCOS impacts egg quality in fertility treatments like IVF. Addressing hormonal imbalances can enhance egg quality in PCOS women.

How to improve egg quality with PCOS

Myo-inositol improves egg quality by helping regulate hormone levels and by inducing the synthesis of melatonin – increasing the chances of successful conception when trying to conceive naturally or undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technologies, such as IVF and ICSI.

If you are trying to get pregnant, this is great news as the production of a healthy egg is needed if you are to have a baby.

How to improve egg quality with PCOS

There are some changes you can make to your lifestyle.

Balanced diet

based on ‘slow-carb’ not low carb can help you to lose weight and boost fertility.

Regular exercise

could help to improve fertility outcomes and reduce stress in PCOS ladies.

Reduce stress

PCOS often causes stress which has been shown to impact fertility. Finding ways to reduce and manage your stress can help to boost fertility.

Supplementing with Inofolic Alpha

which contains myo-inositol, folic acid and alpha-lactalbumin

How does PCOS affect egg quality?

There are a number of PCOS-related factors which are likely to cause poor-quality eggs. These include: hyperandrogenemia, hypersecretion of LH, FSH deficiency and hyperinsulinemia with insulin resistance. They all increase the risks of poor egg quality, which can lead to implantation failure and miscarriage.

What happens to your eggs when you have PCOS?

Those with PCOS experience changes in hormone levels that make it difficult for the ovaries to release fully-grown (mature) eggs. Many of those with PCOS actually don’t release mature eggs, but the eggs stay in the ovaries within a cyst (a small amount of fluid) and the ovary can be enlarged. There can be multiple cysts, but it is important to note that not all women with PCOS have cysts.

PCOS & Egg Quality Treatment FAQs