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Gestational Diabetes & PCOS

Gestational diabetes is high blood sugar (glucose) that develops during pregnancy and usually disappears after giving birth.

Gestational Diabetes & PCOS

Gestational Diabetes & Pregnancy

Pregnant PCOS sufferers are at an increased risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure (pre-eclampsia) and may possibly have an abnormally large baby.

PCOS and gestational diabetes: What’s the link?

There is an increase in risk for developing gestational diabetes (GDM) for PCOS women compared to those without. This is due to an increased prevalence of insulin resistance, a problem which effects 65 – 80% of PCOS women.

Inofolic Alpha is safe to take throughout pregnancy.


What is the best diet for PCOS and diabetes?

A key part of your diet will be comprised of carbs which can be problematic with regard to insulin resistance. This is because carbs are broken down into glucose and released straight into the bloodstream – raising blood glucose levels. If you are overweight and are looking to shed a few pounds it is important to note that many diets offered by weight loss organisations are low calorie/high carb. This can cause intense fluctuations in your blood sugar levels which will only exacerbate your PCOS symptoms. It is important to be careful when selecting what types of food to include in your diet.

As with most things in the body there is a balance which needs to be struck. Omitting carbs from your diet is not a sustainable or healthy long-term practice. Instead, you should be looking for slow carbs, not low carbs. The slower release of energy from slow carbs, also known as low GI (Glycaemic index) carbohydrates, will help to stabilise blood glucose levels and insulin production. Foods with a low GI include most fruits and vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, low-fat dairy, and pasta.

Inofolic Alpha can be safely taken throughout pregnancy

Folic Acid is a water-soluble vitamin associated with the synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins, and with cell division and chromosome repair. It helps the normal expansion of maternal tissues during pregnancy and helps prevent the increase in intrafollicular homocysteine, caused by a deficiency of folic acid, which results in the deterioration of oocyte (egg) quality. Scientific studies have also shown that a reduced intake of folic acid is often related to foetal growth defects and to the development of neural tube defects.

The folic acid present in Inofolic Alpha at the recommended dose of 2 sachets per day, meets the requirements for pregnant women and helps reduce the risk of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, in the baby.

Gestational Diabetes FAQs