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Emilia's story

May 23rd, 2022 in Inofolic® Alpha

We fell pregnant with our first son almost too easily. And so, I naively presumed that we would be just as lucky the second time around. Months and months went by with no success.

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Inofolic® Alpha

The PCOS supplement for women, for life.

We fell pregnant with our first son almost too easily. And so, I naively presumed that we would be just as lucky the second time around. Months and months went by with no success, eventually after 18 months we were able to see a fertility specialist. Based on my symptoms he advised the consumption of inositol, my own research brought me to Fertility Family and Inofolic Alpha. My fertility specialist said I would see improvements on month four, and thought that this would be all I would need to become pregnant.

I started taking Inofolic Alpha and 3 months in I really struggled to find the strength to continue, trying to conceive is such a testing journey. So we took a break from the pressure, I continued to take Inofolic Alpha as I was enjoying the benefits. Surely enough on month four, two years after we begun trying for our second child we became pregnant with my now 10 month old ray on sunshine, Oscar. I can’t thank Fertility Family enough, the product did everything it said it would and more for me. I continued to take Inofolic Alpha right through my pregnancy and I still take it today. Thank you thank you!

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I'm so grateful to the doctor for recommending Impryl to me and if we try for another in the future, I will definitely be taking these from the start.
Mar 5th, 2024


Since taking Inofolic Alpha I have started to see that I’ve been ovulating, and I’ve been coming on my period on time.
Jan 31st, 2024


I cannot thank fertility family enough for these amazing products I truly believe that without taking both Inofolic Alpha and Impryl our son would not be here today. I have since recommended these products and again they have worked for our close friends too. 
Dec 20th, 2023


Once I started taking Inofolic Alpha, my period started within 2 weeks and then I had 2 periods in the following 2 months and was very impressed but then they stopped again. A few weeks later I woke feeling nauseous and I took a pregnancy test.. I had fallen pregnant naturally, for the first time in 8 years!
Dec 20th, 2023


I ordered Inofolic Alpha and took it for 2 weeks before my next scan and I was amazed to be told that both my ovaries were producing eggs, and I had a chance of twins.
Oct 11th, 2023